Drop off/Pick up Information
No parking onsite 8-8:30 am and 2:30-3 pm
Speed limit never to exceed 5 MPH in the parking lot
No parking on either side of Central Avenue
Ensure students are ready to exit car before pulling into the parking lot
All cars to enter at the north entrance
Vehicles to turn right upon entry
Cars must make a FULL circle of the live drive line (Do Not turn first left - vans only)
Children to exit on the passenger side of the vehicle once in front of the building within the drop off zone
It is forbidden to exit on the driver side, no exceptions
Stay left of van lane and exit via correct exit lane
Drive as far along the drive line as possible - a cone will mark the first drive line spot
Do not go in the van lane
Parents/guardians - do not get out of your vehicle
Students to enter cars at passenger side only
Stay left of van lane and exit via correct exit lane